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Sentinel dVPN App is Now Open to Beta Testing

New VPN app launched for Android Sentinel is excited to announce the launch of its new VPN app for Android, and they're calling on volunteers to test it and provide their input. This crucial phase is all about refining the app with real user feedback to ensure it&...


Meile v2.0: Major Update

Meile v2.0: A Major Update Is Coming This Month For the Decentralized VPN Meile is set to release its new version, Meile v2.0, soon. This update brings a major change to the user interface (UI), which has been in development for some time. The team is ready to...


Power Your Sentinel dVPN Apps with the $DVPN Faucet

In the ever-evolving world of decentralized networks, Sentinel's decentralized VPN (dVPN) stands out for its robust privacy features and user empowerment. But did you know that powering these applications just got easier? Enter the Sentinel Faucet! A handy tool for all decentralized VPN users with apps powered by...


Sentinel Growth DAO Reaches 1000 Eigenlayer Points

Major milestone for Sentinel The Sentinel Growth DAO has recently achieved a significant milestone, amassing 1000 Eigenlayer points REstaking Ethereum. Growth DAO stakers will share in this reward. The Sentinel Growth DAO is Airdrop hunting! Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) were the norm in the early days of blockchain, essentially functioning...


Sentinel Growth DAO Launches Jobs Board

Sentinel Launches Job Board! We have successfully inaugurated the Jobs board and recently concluded our hiring process for a JavaScript SDK developer. The Sentinel Growth DAO is excited to announce the official launch of dvpn.news, your ultimate destination for all things related to decentralized VPNs. We are committed to...

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